kevin cloud造句
- She never sits, Kevin Cloud said; she finds something else to do.
- Adrian Carmack and Kevin Cloud were the chief artists behind " Doom ".
- It was directed by Gill Dennis, with executive producer Duane Waddell, and produced by Kevin Cloud Brechner.
- A few years ago, Kevin Cloud broke three vertebrae in his neck and had bone chips in his spinal cord.
- A running back with great college prospects, Kevin Cloud suffered a serious neck injury during a scrimmage in his junior year at Portsmouth High.
- Artists Adrian Carmack ( no relation to John ), Kevin Cloud and Kenneth Scott designed the characters and created textures that are used to give them a realistic look.
- Wilbur said of his partners, John Carmack, 24, John Romero, 26, Adrian Carmack, 25 ( no relation to John ) and Kevin Cloud, 29.
- The levels and scenarios were designed by American McGee, Sandy Petersen, John Romero, and Tim Willits, and the graphics were designed by Adrian Carmack and Kevin Cloud.
- As development continued, id Software hired their former Softdisk liaison Kevin Cloud as an assistant artist, and moved the company out to Mesquite, Texas, near where Apogee was located.
- Watching from home, Kevin Cloud beamed, not only to see Mike play, but to see him playing at such a high level and while wearing his brother's old number.
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- Not everybody in the id Software crew was happy with this development, however; some, including Jay Wilbur and Kevin Cloud, objected due to legal concerns and in the belief that it would not be of any benefit to the company's business.
- It was about the global impact of a Hellish invasion . " The Creative Director of the " Doom 4 " prototype, Kevin Cloud, said in the same interview, " As far as the upper-level creative direction, that was me driving that.
- The graphics, by Adrian Carmack, Kevin Cloud and Gregor Punchatz, were modelled in various ways : although much was drawn or painted, several of the monsters were built from sculptures in clay or latex, and some of the weapons are toy guns from Toys " R " Us.
- The predecessor band to Rythm Syndicate, Too Much Too Soon, reunited on April 20, 2013 at the Elks BPO Rockville Lodge in Ellington, CT with surviving members Kevin Cloud, David Nevin ( lead singer David Nevin died in 2015 ), Evan Rogers, Carl Sturken, John " Noodle " Nevin, and Kirk Cloud performing ( keyboardist Keith Cloud died in 1996 ).
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